
How to finance your business without using banks






Like you, many other entrepreneurs are experiencing the same situation. Consider that today we are living in a crucial period of change. We can, actually, call it a new industrial revolution, one  that will remain in history.

Compared to twenty years ago, today we are seeing a completely different scenario: the market is changing and, whether you like it or not, you have to and can follow this flow of renewal.

To understand what to do and how it must be done, to interpret our present and what the future holds, we must look to the past and to what it has taught us.

Think of the thriving 90s, when the economy was completely different. There was a considerable growth in GDP worldwide, the availability of credit was very high, international trade and financial instruments were developed in a significant way. Entrepreneurs felt powerful, free to achieve any objective without having too many constraints or restrictions.

A brilliant time that seemed never to end, did it?

But not al that glitters is gold.

In fact, the perception of risk between the 90s and early 2000s was so low that in summer 2007, out of the blue, a bomb exploded.



A considerable amount of securities (linked to the financial world) suffered an enormous decline, which no one would have ever expected.


You probably didn’t expect such a change either.

Data tell us that, after the Second World War, 2008 was the year in which we experienced a period of global recession. A tremendous financial shock!


Maybe you have already heard of Credit Crunch, perhaps you have been through it or are experiencing it in the first person: it’s a sudden reduction in the availability of loans, a tightening of the conditions required to obtain them from banks.


Since 2008, banks have significantly reduced the granting of credit, (especially to small and medium-sized enterprises because they are considered much more risky than large companies) and have required a higher interest rate. Some have even refused granting any kind of liquidity.

What triggered all this?

Basically, two factors: political uncertainty and the public debt of Italian credit institutions.


With what consequences?

Those that you probably experienced directly on your skin or that you are still going through.


The company has a huge difficulty in growing economically so it is forced to make a reduction in the workforce that obviously involves a decrease in production and consequently a general increase in unemployment in the area. A “vicious circle” that leads to a prolonged recession and a very slow and difficult recovery.


To give you an idea, between 2010 and 2017 the financing of businesses was reduced by a total of 57 billion. In 2013, the number of bankruptcies was three times higher than in 2008. Figures for which our governments were not prepared at all, and neither Italian entrepreneurs.

For a country like ours this represents a limit to development and to competitiveness.




In such situation, adapting to change is paramount, as it is rethinking how to access credit and to diversify the sources of financing. Today, doing business requires leaving the old to give space to the new. Even banks are different and you can no longer wait on their timetable; if you want to survive, you have to finance the growth of your activity by relying on alternative sources of funding.


It is no longer possible to do business only with your own bank, that is why we must and want to talk about financial globalization. You have to become the owner of your business,  above all, from a financial point of view.


Think about this: if your company works well but the bank you rely on suffers a moment of difficulty, you too will be, consequently, in recession.


That is why you have the obligation to diversify.


Remember, yesterday the entrepreneur was looking for money, today it is no longer possible to see things this way, today the entrepreneur must attract money!


Have you always related to parties such as banks, credit brokers or accountants? Have you ever wondered if they, actually, are the right people capable of meeting your real financial needs? Can they completely understand and help you?


Can a bank have a truly thorough view of your business and what it means to manage it?


Is a credit broker able to support you in a competent and safe way in all phases of the life cycle of your business?


As a purely fiscal partner, can the accountant give you  the real and concrete financial skills you need?


The answer is no! And we’ll explain why.


Because very often the bank and/or credit broker are interested in selling a product and taking commissions. And for you, the entrepreneur, it is of fundamental importance to have a partner who is interested in reaching the goal like you.


The accountant is certainly a professional, that well knows both you and your company. He can help you manage it from taxation point of view, but these requirements, very often conflict with what the real financial needs are.


Is there then an ideal solution? Someone who is interested in achieving the same results as you do and who has the skills you need?


The answer is simpler than you might think: the partner able to help you is C&G Capital!


Why C&G Capital?


Because we put you and your needs first and foremost, at the centre of the whole project. We want you to be an active player because also you know the market and of the product you produce and you are fully aware of the measure of monetary support your company has to receive.


In addition, both your business and your financial consultants are key figures, because we and our tutor will work together with them to identify what are the strengths and the weaknesses of your firm, what things must be improved, and which are the most suitable solutions for you available in the banking and the extra-banking market.


We do this with you, involving commercial banks, business and institutional investors specialized in risk and venture capital.


We want to take risks with you! If you reach your goal, we will reach it too; if you earn, we will earn too.


At this point you must be wondering: once you reached your objective, is our relationship going to end? What should you do next and how should you proceed?


When you will have the money you requested, and you have to invest it, we can support you in managing it correctly.


C&G Capital becomes your only interlocutor because it has created a simple and innovative process: the Kreadway method.


Kredway is a financial path: it is the fastest and safest way to access credit, and it is a certified system.


Let’s take it one step at a time and start by answering the following question: what is the Kredway method? 


This new approach involves a first phase that includes two free meetings where you will not have an economic obligation towards us, because we are the ones investing in you.


How do we do it?


First, we get to know you: your story, projects, goals, and business vision. Thanks to the information that you provide, we can have a complete picture of the situation you are experiencing and we will be in the position to prepare the best applicable solution for you.


Basically, there are three conditions companies are in today:


  • entrepreneurial efficiency
  • needing  improvement in certain aspects
  • period of crisis


Whatever your state of affairs is, we have the solution for you!


If you are a successful and effective entrepreneur, we can connect you with an analyst that will prepare a comprehensive report about your firm that will allow operating at international level in searching for financial solutions, with the goal of making you more independent and have  you gain a good financial reputation.


If, on the other hand, your business needs to improve, we will take you through a practical and effecient path, in which we will highlight the strongest and best features of your company, and at the same time we will eliminate what is not working.


If you are in period of crisis, we guarantee a 360-degree review, and again, we will concentrate our activity on what has to be changed, so as to get back on track.


You may wonder how long it will take to do all this. You may be in a hurry, eager to turn your situation around for the better.


Don’t worry, the Kredway method requires a very short and definite timing.

Recapping, if you share with us with your entrepreneurial dream, we will provide you with a free preliminary check-up. Afterwards, with your authorization, we will proceed with the Kredway analysis and together we will decide the best financial path to follow.


Simple, easy and effective!


Why is our method better than what a bank can offer you?


Here is the reason.


The Kredway method opens in front of you a wide range of solutions, with a small number of constraints. The process is clear, the result is certain and everything is done promptly.  You will have only one interlocutor and a single business objective that lead to a certified outcome.


A bank will never give you all of this, because its primary aim is to sell you a product.


How much is going to cost our solution?


Costs are clear and fixed, and there is also the possibility of full reimbursement.


Perhaps you’ll think that C&G Capital is not the only company you can consult.


It’s true, we are not the only ones in the area that do this type of activity but we are certainly the only ones that have a unique product called Fast Cash. This particular tool allows you to finance your business without the use of banks, due to its unparalleled features.


Being self-liquidating, it clears part of the central credit registers,  the Middle Central Credit Register. It also improves the company’s financial rating by optimizing the balance sheets. Debts are cut and you can obtain immediate liquidity in just 72 hours without requests for guarantees.


Moreover, C&G Capital differs from many other companies because it mirrors the market and knows what it is required to successfully do business in it. Trustworthy professionals focus on customers, by getting to know them and their projects, and by drawing a precise analysis through which a well-defined path to accomplishment can be created.


We can to help you and your company to reach an ongoing state of welfare!


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